AgroVision launches online crop registration program AgroVision Crops in Poland
From now on, the successful online crop registration program AgroVision Crops will also be available for the Polish market. Software supplier AgroVision, known for PigVision management software for pig farming, brings a lot of convenience to Polish arable farmers. In addition, it helps the grower to comply with legal regulations and certifications.
Stricter requirements for crop protection
Digital recording of the crop registration is becoming increasingly important. More and more strict controls are being applied and rules regarding crop protection are constantly changing. For a farmer it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of this during the season. AgroVision is the solution; with this program, the arable farmer can quickly record his crop registration and meet the legal requirements.
Benefits of AgroVision Crops
In addition to a handy app for the smartphone and a field map, the program contains an extensive database with all resources. AgroVision Crops provides various reports to comply with food safety certificates. It is also possible to keep stock records of crop protection products and fertilizers.
Additional spraying advice
The grower can connect AgroVision Crops to his weather station, such as Pessl for additional spraying and weather advice. The farmer receives advice on the optimal spraying time and dosage. Additional advantage: the spraying conditions are automatically filled in at the crop registration in AgroVision Crops; an obligation of food safety certificates.
Launch Poland
AgroVision Crops has been successfully on the Dutch and Belgian market for several years. In order to make the program suitable for the Polish market, AgroVision did a pilot among a number of Polish customers last year. After this has been successfully completed, the Polish arable farmer can also start with AgroVision Crops in 2023.
Rafal Zieba, Regional Manager Poland, expects that the Polish grower will also experience a lot of convenience from AgroVision Crops. “The program is really user-friendly and clear. Moreover, it fits very nicely with our other programs such as PigVision. The farmer has all his programs online together.“
About AgroVision
AgroVision supplies specialized software for the agricultural sector worldwide. From our offices in Europe, we serve the entire sector from dairy cattle, cultivation to pig farming. Thousands of farmers and agribusiness parties use AgroVision’s programs every day. In Poland, AgroVision mainly carries the PigVision and AgroVision Crops brands. Our programs provide insight and guidance, smart analyses and fast exchange in the chain. In addition, it helps the farmer to comply with all requirements and legal obligations. We always put user-friendliness and safety first.
For more information about this press release or the product, please contact our polish website.